kephale / predict-unet-copick / 0.0.3

Generate Segmentation Masks using UNet Checkpoint

Generate segmentation masks using a trained UNet checkpoint on the Copick dataset.
Cellcanvas team.
Solution written by
Kyle Harrington
License of solution
Source Code


Path to the Copick configuration file (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Name of the run in the Copick project for testing (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Tomogram type in the Copick project (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
User ID for the Copick project (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Session ID for the Copick project (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Voxel spacing for the Copick project (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Path to the trained UNet checkpoint (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Name of the output segmentation (default value: PARAMETER_VALUE)
Batch size for inference (default value: 1)

Usage instructions

Please follow this link for details on how to install and run this solution.